You presented the offer. It was accepted. You have made one of the largest financial investments of your lifetime.
So, naturally, it’s time to demolish that investment and turn it into the custom home you envisioned during the first walk-through.
The most daunting task in completing a remodel is choosing a contractor. There are many out there with varying reputations. Many overpromise and underperform. JDM Contracting Services rarely searches for new business. Our current clients happily refer us to their family, friends and anyone else who will listen. And it’s because WE listen. From the first minute of

the first meeting you have with one of our Project Representatives, JDM is looking to build a partnership with you, the client, and transform your ideas into the home you have always deserved.
To achieve this goal, many of our workers are in-house employees, meaning that the people you are trusting to work on your home are employed directly by JDM and have been screened as such. In the rare case that a sub-contractor must be used, clients can be comfortable in the knowledge that our relationships with our subs stretch over many years and countless jobs. JDM Contracting Services only seeks partnerships with companies that share our belief that this is a service-oriented business. We collectively strive to satisfy your needs as our client, regardless of the obstacles laid along the path of completion.
Let’s Recreate Your Living Space Today
Call 718.993.3500 or Contact Us for more information.